I have just taken these photos yesterday. It's still cold but the spring is just around the corner.
A field of rape blossoms. Gorgeous!
Each of the flowers is small, but together they make a great impression.
畑の土ってすごく綺麗なんだぁ、とここに引っ越してきて知りました。粉のようにサラサラしてて 粒揃いでパウダーってかんじ。
Field soil looks very beautiful like refined wheat flour. I didn't know that before moving here.
There are more than 600 types of cherry tree.
These may be Someiyoshino, at 50% bloom now, later than usual this year. Someiyoshino is the most common type of cherry tree in Japan.
**** おまけ ****
The cat was born in March 11, 2012, just after a year the Great East Japan Earthquake. He is 4 years old this year.
(camera,Nikon D40)
アメショのマーブル柄で遊んでみたCoat pattern of American shorthairどアップシリーズ
My group planting for the first time初めての寄せ植え
My cat, evil-looking as everふてくされニャンコの近影
I went to Yasukuni shrine 靖国神社に行ってみた
Try out Nikon D40
The season for taking pictures
Angel? or Devil? 天使か悪魔か?
My cat again
My cat with fearless eyes 不敵な面構えの猫
Edo-Tokyo open air architectual museum l江戸東京たてもの園
I bought a new camera, sony RX100
some celestial phenomena yesterday
It's snowing in Tokyo
Pet cemetery
My home town
My cat