
Edo-Tokyo open air architectual museum 江戸東京たてもの園

I went to Edo-Tokyo Open Air Architectual Museum in Koganei City, western Tokyo.
It was perfect weather for taking photo today.

Outline of Edo-Tokyo Open Air Architectual Museum
Since the Edo period, Tokyo has lost many valuable historical buildings because of fires, floods, earthquakes and warfare. Today, the city’s valuable cultural heritage is still being eroded due to social and economic changes.
In 1993, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government established the seven-hectare Edo-Tokyo Open-air Architectural Museum as part of the Edo-Tokyo Museum. This museum aims to relocate, reconstruct, preserve and exhibit historical buildings of great cultural value that are impossible to preserve at their actual places as well as to inherit these valuable cultural heritages to future generations.
We have been relocating and reconstructing buildings in accordance with the requirements for preservation, based on a long-term plan for the reconstruction of 30 buildings.


   The house of Yoahino (吉野家)
 This is a historic wooden private house that was constructed in the late Edo period.
 The Yoshino family was the upper class peasants called Nanushi (名主, village headman.), in the suburbs of Tokyo. Nanushi mostly were well enough educated as the samurai. It is said that even the  lower class peasants could read hiragana and katakana, if not kanji, in those days in Japan. 
 The following picture is the irori fireplace on dirt floor near the back door of the house.
 The old equipments for agricultural work are hung on the wall.  I've so often seen a house with a nameplate of Yoshino on a gatepost, around the  area where I live in now. Most of them appears to have a big house with a big garden.  I guess that they are the members of the Yoshino family that I've known in the museum.


 The regular rooms covered with tatami, straw mats. Usually the Japanese houses were
 made of  only wood and paper. There was no custom of making houses by stones in
 the past Japan. The reason is described that Japan has produced a lots of woods for
 its highly humid climate and woods work well in reducing moisture in the house.


   The top-left shelf is a kamidana(神棚),home shrine. People had it in the highest place of the room, and prayed for their family's health and safety everyday.


 The open-timbered ceiling of the house.


   This is the shrine, kyu-Jishouin Otamaya (旧j自証院霊屋) constructed in 1652 for worshiping the spirit of Ofuri no kata (お振りの方) who was a concubine of the thrid Sogun Iemitsu Tokugawa (徳川家光).


 A large caldron on a furnace in the corner of the kitchen. People of the time made the main staple, rice, here. 


 An off-street of Tokyo in the 1920s. Somehow I have a nostalgic feel at this.


  Murakami Seikado (村上精華堂), a cosmetic shop built in 1928 in Taito Ward, Tokyo, adopted in Western architectural style.


  Manseibashi porice box (万世橋交番), built in the close of the 19th century in Kanda(神田), Tokyo.


  Storefront of an umbrella shop. We can see a row of brush on the cross bar in upper right of the picture. These were used for spreading paste when craftworker made umbrella from paper.


Maruni shoten (丸二商店), a shop selling pots, pans and household goods. The building has been reproduced the appearance of the shop back then the 1930s.


  Browsing the shop, there are handbaskets, storage bins, dishes, and straw mats.


   Pots, mats, pans, ladles, saucepans and crocks.


  A public bathhouse Kodakara-yu (子宝湯) built in the1920's. The Japanese people loved taking a bath since early times. Maybe it was connected to Japan's hot and humid climate in summer. Now few people use them.


 A drinking place built in the late Edo period. There are many sake bottles.


The gate of Date family
   Date family was a "Daimyo" (feudal governor)of Tokugawa Shogunate, governd Uwajima, Ehime Prefecture as of now. This is a common structure of the gate of daimyo residences. Entering the gate, you can see a gatekeeper's lodge rightward.


  The gate of Date family from a different angle

(Sony Syber Shot DSC RX100.)


I bought a new camera, Sony RX100

I bought Sony Syber Shot RX100 a week a go.
Not too bad, I guess, but a little bit below expectations.
Perhaps it is because I've read too many positive reputations on the internet.
I decided to buy it after much hovering between this and M.ZUIKO DIGITAL
ED 9-18mm. I will buy the lens for next time.
I gave it a shot, taking the following pictures near my house, edited them to
my own taste. 

まあ、そんなに悪くないと思うがちょっと期待外れだったかな。買う前にインターネットで良い評判を読み過ぎたせいだろうと思う。これとM.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 9-18mmのどちらを買うか散々迷ったがこちらにした。レンズの方はまたの機会にしよう。家の近所で試し撮りをしたのが下の写真です。自分好みにレタッチしてあります。

   The building is Hachiman Shrine.
  Hachiman Shrine is around every coner of town in Japan, and the local people hold an exciting  festival here in summer or autum. During the Festival, many men wearing the same happi parade  along the street holding a portable shrine on their shoulders. The grounds of  Hachiman shrine is lined with a lot of stalls.


The man selling green tea at a stall in front of the nearby supermarket.

   A shop selling interior decoration goods

    Night view. I took the picture by my hand. (without a tripod ) I think it worked out better as the
     lens was fast.

  The Nogawa river

    a store window

a floral shop

   Our cat. 
   The cat is male, American Shorthair. He can be very cute sometimes but is so fierce that we 
   always have raw wounds. Same thing happened with the Abyssinian cat of Egypt origin, 
   which we had before. Apparently, the cats of foreign origin generally have more wild nature 
   than the Japanese origin one. The differences of both behaviors may come from the 
   differences of severity of their native surroundings in which they went through a long 

 Sony Syber Shot RX100.  Small enough to fit in a typical man's hand.

ソニー・サイバーショットRX100 普通の大人の男性の手にスッポり収まるほど小さい。


Some celestial phenomena yesterday

Yesterday I found  something than usual in the sky at about 14:.30 pm while I was out. Take a look at the following pictures. Some cloud lines are in a radial fashion. This has been referred to as the earthquake cloud in Japan. The earthquake cloud is said to be a phenomenon seen before earthquake happen. The rows of cloud are likely to band together just above the earthquake center. Yesterday's clouds seemed to converge on the east-southeast of Tokyo. However it doesn't always presages a big earthquake. I see the kind of cloud a few times a year.

Another event.
 On my way home, I saw a long bright orange thing in the western heavens at about 17:00. What was this? At first I saw it as an airplane track reflecting sunset or something. However I was wrong because the track didn't grew further and disappeared out of sight within several tens of seconds. The airplane track wouldn't disappear so soon. Enlarging the picture we can see the round thing in the head of the light. I wonder if it was a falling meteor or satellite.

Closeup picture of the mystery object


Yet another..
This was just the celestial event without mystery. The International Space Station appeared 18:36 in the southwestern heavens and moved toward northeast, evanesced after three minites. It was orangey, looked like the evening star in size and brightness, faster than airplane. I tried to take a picture of it hastily but I couldn't unfortunately.

The International Space Station (ISS) is a huge manned construction located about 400km above the Earth. While it circles around the Earth at a speed of 17,700mph (or 90 minutes per orbit), Earth and star observation, or experiments and research are being conducted. ISS is intended to be utilized for more than 10 years after its completion. The primary purposes of ISS are to provide a facility where we can conduct experiments and research for a long term by utilizing environment peculiar to the space, to promote science and technology by utilizing the results of such research, and to contribute to daily lives and industries on the Earth.

(Nikon Coolpix L30)